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Redox delivers, on land and at sea.

Redox is a total supplier of solutions for regulating water quality to the fisheries and aquaculture industry. With solid experience as a leading supplier of technology and equipment within fish welfare and biosecurity for well boats, in recent years we have also deliberately invested in solutions for land-based facilities and closed cages. Our solutions ensure optimal conditions for good growth and water quality, in addition to increased biosecurity.

For intake water, we use both ozone and UV – preferably in combination. When the juvenile fish are released into the sea, our solutions are used, among other things, to clean pipes and tanks, remove biofilm and ensure disinfection before the next release.

Well boats

Well boats are very important to Redox and have been the major investment area since the beginning. Fish welfare and biosecurity are keywords. Well boats today have many functions in addition to transporting fish, and Redox has adapted its solutions to this development. Since its inception in 2004, Redox has supplied water treatment solutions to more than 60 well boats.

For well boats (and other vessels) we deliver:
• Full water package for regulation of water quality.
• Oxygen system for the well-being of the fish.
• Ozone system for disinfection.
• UV for disinfecting water.
• Filter for lice collection and of course filter for other particles and dry matter.
• Automatic washing system with soap and/or ozone.
• Total log for monitoring and documentation of processes.
• Automation and user interface developed in-house by our automation department.
• Support/service – a large and competent service department provides stable operation and access on service parts from our own extensive stock.
• Wash Zero – Spoiler alert! Contact our salesperson Sindre Standal for more information.


Regardless of whether it is smolt production, post-smolt or full-scale production, Redox is the right partner for your land-based facility. Together with our subsidiary Norluft, we have the market’s longest experience in both oxygen production and ozone solutions for land-based farming. When we can now proudly say that we work well together with our sister company Biomarine, we stand even stronger.

For land-based we deliver:
• Full water package for regulation of water quality and increased biosecurity.
• Oxygen production, injection and sensors.
• Ozone system for disinfecting pipes and tanks.
• Ozone system for disinfecting intake water, preferably in combination with UV.
• UV for disinfection of intake water and process water.
• Filter that can be used on both intake water and process water.
• Emergency oxygenation.
• Light.

Totalløsninger grafikk

Total supplier

Redox is a total supplier of solutions for regulating water quality to the fisheries and aquaculture industry. With solid experience as a leading supplier of technology and equipment within fish welfare and biosecurity for well boats, in recent years we have also deliberately invested in solutions for land-based facilities and closed cages. Our solutions ensure optimal conditions for good growth and water quality, in addition to increased biosecurity.

Closed cage

Good water quality ensures good fish welfare in closed cages. And a closed cage is, strictly speaking, nothing more than a stationary well boat. This is something we are good at! System solutions from Redox ensure good water quality and optimal biosafety. Our unique prediction algorithm and injection continuously ensures optimal O2 level based on stress and size of fish.

For closed cages we deliver:
• Full water package for regulation of water quality and increased biosecurity.
• Oxygen production, injection and sensors.
• Ozone system for disinfecting pipes and tanks.
• Ozone system for disinfecting intake water, preferably in combination with UV.
• UV for disinfection of intake water and process water.
• Filter that can be used on both intake water and process water.
• Emergency oxygenation.
• Light.


Other vessels

Since the beginning in 2004, Redox has supplied water treatment solutions to many service boats and a significant part of the process vessels operating along the Norwegian coast. We have a vision to always develop ourselves and our solutions for the best for the fish, the customers and not least you who ultimately eat the fish. Our systems ensure efficient washing and disinfection. The goal is constantly better biosecurity – faster – and we are pleased that our solutions help to ensure this. As one of our customers once said: “Redox makes the difficult easy!”

Service boats
Service boats for the farming industry are a growing industry. Good hygiene and disinfection are important to avoid the spread of infection, especially for boats that carry out missions over a larger geographical area. With our solutions, the customer can significantly reduce the use of chemicals at the same time as saving time and increasing biosecurity.

For service boats we deliver:
• Automatic washing systems.
• Ozone for disinfecting deck and equipment.
• O2 containers for oxygenation during fish crowding.

Process vessel
Process vessels, or slaughter boats as they are also called, have become an important part of the entire value chain of the farming industry. When bleeding fish on board, it is important that both fish welfare and biosecurity are taken care of. Redox was the first to come up with special solutions for such vessels.

For process vessels we deliver:
• Automatic washing systems.
• Ozone for disinfecting deck and equipment.
• O2 containers for oxygenation during fish crowding.

How can we
help you

Innovative solutions for a changing market
– on land and water.

Sea locations

Redox has several good solutions for production locations at sea, with the aim of increasing production, reducing wastage and making everyday life more efficient for the farmers. All in a sustainable way.

For sea locations, we deliver:
• Light.
• Oxygenation of cages.
• Oxygen during fish crowding.
• Emergency oxygen.


Processing plant (slaughterhouse and further processing)

Our systems and technology ensure hygiene and food safety in slaughterhouses and processing plants. Among other things, we can document that the use of ozone removes Listeria, E. Coli and other bacteria that are totally undesirable in food. Use of ozone does not develop resistance in viruses and bacteria.

For processing plants, we deliver:
• Ozone system for disinfecting process equipment and premises.
• UV for disinfection of process water and/or discharge water.
• Filters.
• Automatic washing facilities.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Fusce in diam. Duis libero velit, viverra a, vulputate ut, scelerisque eget, sapien. Donec imperdiet nibh id wisi. Nam imperdiet. Pellentesque dapibus, orci id vulputate viverra, nisl wisi molestie lacus, sed luctus tortor tellus ut velit. In ut est et pede congue ullamcorper. Aenean luctus, magna at dapibus rutrum, felis libero facilisis turpis, id sodales tellus turpis non mauris. Nunc quis odio sit amet nibh semper pulvinar. Mauris vestibulum. Fusce aliquet leo ut lorem volutpat nonummy. Vivamus magna magna, mattis vitae, ornare non, ullamcorper adipiscing, nibh. Ut ac felis vel lacus porta volutpat. Vivamus ac sem.

Nunc et ante at est dapibus faucibus. Pellentesque pede wisi, porttitor sagittis, laoreet id, accumsan ac, wisi. Sed pharetra. Pellentesque porta mauris ac enim. Nunc id turpis. Sed sit amet diam. Sed a nunc. Donec a dui. Fusce ultricies ante a urna. Vestibulum non pede. Nullam turpis sapien, aliquet consectetuer, gravida sit amet, dapibus ac, magna.

Hvorfor vi velger Redox

Med solid erfaring som ledende leverandør av teknologi og utstyr innen fiskevelferd og biosikkerhet til brønnbåter, har vi de siste årene også satset bevisst på den landbaserte aquakulturen. Løsningene våre sikrer god hygiene og vannkvalitet, i tillegg til å hindre sykdomssmitte i anleggene.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Fusce in diam. Duis libero velit, viverra a, vulputate ut, scelerisque eget, sapien. Donec imperdiet nibh id wisi. Nam imperdiet. Pellentesque dapibus, orci id vulputate viverra, nisl wisi molestie lacus, sed luctus tortor tellus ut velit. In ut est et pede congue ullamcorper. Aenean luctus, magna at dapibus rutrum, felis libero facilisis turpis, id sodales tellus turpis non mauris. Nunc quis odio sit amet nibh semper pulvinar. Mauris vestibulum. Fusce aliquet leo ut lorem volutpat nonummy. Vivamus magna magna, mattis vitae, ornare non, ullamcorper adipiscing, nibh. Ut ac felis vel lacus porta volutpat. Vivamus ac sem.

Nunc et ante at est dapibus faucibus. Pellentesque pede wisi, porttitor sagittis, laoreet id, accumsan ac, wisi. Sed pharetra. Pellentesque porta mauris ac enim. Nunc id turpis. Sed sit amet diam. Sed a nunc. Donec a dui. Fusce ultricies ante a urna. Vestibulum non pede. Nullam turpis sapien, aliquet consectetuer, gravida sit amet, dapibus ac, magna.

Well boat Gåsø Jarl
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Fusce in diam. Duis libero velit, viverra a, vulputate ut, scelerisque eget, sapien. Donec imperdiet nibh id wisi. Nam imperdiet. Pellentesque dapibus, orci id vulputate viverra, nisl wisi molestie lacus, sed luctus tortor tellus ut velit. In ut est et pede congue ullamcorper. Aenean luctus, magna at dapibus rutrum, felis libero facilisis turpis, id sodales tellus turpis non mauris. Nunc quis odio sit amet nibh semper pulvinar. Mauris vestibulum. Fusce aliquet leo ut lorem volutpat nonummy. Vivamus magna magna, mattis vitae, ornare non, ullamcorper adipiscing, nibh. Ut ac felis vel lacus porta volutpat. Vivamus ac sem.

What can we help you with?

We’d love to hear from you!

Do you have any questions about any of our products or services? Feel free to send us an e-mail – or contact one of our talented employees directly!


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Fusce in diam. Duis libero velit, viverra a, vulputate ut, scelerisque eget, sapien. Donec imperdiet nibh id wisi. Nam imperdiet. Pellentesque dapibus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Fusce in diam. Duis libero velit, viverra a, vulputate ut, scelerisque eget, sapien. Donec imperdiet nibh id wisi. Nam imperdiet. Pellentesque dapibus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Fusce in diam. Duis libero velit, viverra a, vulputate ut, scelerisque eget, sapien. Donec imperdiet nibh id wisi. Nam imperdiet. Pellentesque dapibus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Fusce in diam. Duis libero velit, viverra a, vulputate ut, scelerisque eget, sapien. Donec imperdiet nibh id wisi. Nam imperdiet. Pellentesque dapibus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Fusce in diam. Duis libero velit, viverra a, vulputate ut, scelerisque eget, sapien. Donec imperdiet nibh id wisi. Nam imperdiet. Pellentesque dapibus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Fusce in diam. Duis libero velit, viverra a, vulputate ut, scelerisque eget, sapien. Donec imperdiet nibh id wisi. Nam imperdiet. Pellentesque dapibus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Fusce in diam. Duis libero velit, viverra a, vulputate ut, scelerisque eget, sapien. Donec imperdiet nibh id wisi. Nam imperdiet. Pellentesque dapibus.